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Red Taffic light Procedures at Country Kids

At the Red setting, the general principle is that early learning services are open for all children to attend. In this unsettled time, it remains important for children to have familiar spaces to explore, learn, grow and connect with their peers.

As I am sure you all know, we are now in the red traffic light this means
our Health and Safety practices will be on high alert. We will be assessing
these procedures daily with a weekly Wednesday meeting.

Families attending Country Kids please follow the procedures below:

  1. All teachers and support staff who work with children are fully
  2. Parents will need to wear a mask when dropping off and picking up
    tamariki and to keep physical distance between other parents.
  3. Parents and children to sanitise hands when entering the building.
  4. All parents are required to use the tracking app unless you don’t
    have it on your phone. If this is the case, we will provide manual
    COVID sign ins. Please only write information regarding your child
    in the particulars in the sign in sheet.
  5. If you or your child is unwell, please stay home.
  6. If your child has a runny nose or flu like symptoms, we will
    contact you to pick them up immediately.
  7. Children and teachers will ensure good hygiene is always used,
    washing hands, catching cough and sneeze in your elbow, and
    regularly cleaning high use areas.
  8. Equipment and resources will be kept to a minimum and sanitised
    throughout the day.
  9. There will be no sharing of food for special occasions and only
    essential visitors will be onsite.
    New parents will need to book to visit the centre, these bookings
    will be mainly outside and with minimal contact with children.
    If we have a COVID case at Country Kids we will work with the Ministry
    of Education, following public health guidance, to identify who else may
    need to self-isolate and get tested. Contact tracing will support this
    I will keep you posted with any further changes via Story-Park. Any
    questions or concerns please contact the centre, (03) 5432 819
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